Hi everyone,

Somewhate late, I collated all bugs squashed from Friday 19th to
Christmas from Alioth lists[1].  Here are all the remaining
doors for the 2024 edition of the Debian Med Advent Calendar Bug
Squashing Party:

Tuesday, December 19th:

 96. #1088239: deepdiff: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.13
 97. #1089249: allelecount: FTBFS with make 4.4.1
 98. #1046372: librcsb-core-wrapper: Fails to build source after successful 
 99. #1089265: librcsb-core-wrapper: FTBFS with make 4.4.1
100. #1090794: src:loki: fails to migrate to testing for too long
101. #1043870: concurrentqueue: Fails to build source after successful build

Friday, December 20th:

102. #1088427: orthanc-dicomweb: move from twitter-bootstrap{3, 4} to 
bootstrap-html (v5)
103. #1046208: libmialm: Fails to build source after successful build
104. #1043738: biomaj3-process: Fails to build source after successful build
105. #1043846: biomaj3-download: Fails to build source after successful build
106. #1043846: biomaj3-download: Fails to build source after successful build
107. #1045354: nxtrim: Fails to build source after successful build

Saturday, December 21st:

108. #1043640: beast-mcmc: Fails to build source after successful build
109. #1045364: oscar: Fails to build source after successful build
110. #1045461: reapr: Fails to build source after successful build

Sunday, December 22nd:

111. #1079788: python-questplus: test_thurstone_scaling fails on arm64 with 
scipy 1.14
112. #1045535: jellyfish1: Fails to build source after successful build
113. #1045607: python-pyspoa: Fails to build source after successful build
114. #1091149: ants: FTBFS on arm64: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: 
libinsighttoolkit5-dev, libitkadaptivedenoising-dev, 
115. #1045897: reprof: Fails to build source after successful build
116. #1049597: reprof: Fails to build binary packages again after successful 

Monday, December 23rd:

117. #1046152: mcl: Fails to build source after successful build
118. #1046238: qrisk2: Fails to build source after successful build
119. #1046485: libbitarray: Fails to build source after successful build

Tuesday, December 24th:

120. #1046593: hunspell-en-med: Fails to build source after successful build
121. #1047025: librostlab: Fails to build source after successful build
122. #1090283: python-pybedtools: FTBFS: NameError: name 'iterator' is not 

I also tried to include a couple of bugs mentioned in the
mailing list or in Matrix that were not in Debian Med Packaging
list, but nevertheless were helpful for the Debian Med team, but
I fear I might have missed some.  Don't hesitate to add them to
the count if they turn out to be missing.

The bug squashing marathon resulted in 122 bugs closed.  This
reduced the amount of open issues down below 300; I counted 284
open issues today, but some bugs were reported and some other
bugs were closed since Christmas, so my count may be off a bit.

People who want to carry on squashing bugs may refer to the
Debian Med bug tracker[2].  There are still many double build
failures among 90 minor bugs that are usually low hanging
fruits, but also 17 packages still pending upload, and 11
packages with a patch available.  197 bugs are still
unclassified, and it may be helpful to have a look and see
whether they are still affecting us today.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emoll...@debian.org>
 : :' :  pgp: 8f91 b227 c7d6 f2b1 948c  8236 793c f67e 8f0d 11da
 `. `'   sent from /dev/pts/1, please excuse my verbosity
   `-    on air: Quantum Fantay - Rimbo

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