Hi Emmanuel,

Emmanuel Arias, on 2024-12-22:
> This week was a poor work for the team, sorry for that!
> I still have the intention to continue working on psychopy
> in the next week

No worries, all bugs tackled count.  Thanks for your help with
psychopy, it is not an LHF, but I see upstream is willing to
help via the mailing list in case of difficulties.  I think the
most concerning issue is #953053, but real blockers are
autopkgtest failure on s390x (we probably want to drop big
endian support) and #1084568 (there is a hint from Alexandre
Detiste about pulling the missing Python module from a side
package, so the RC bug should be somewhat low hanging fruit

> Here's my report:
> * 16-12-2024
> **  python-dicompylercore: Fix #1090137
> * 17-12-2024
> ** Finish deepdiff work #1088239. Waiting for orderly-set.
> * 19-12-2024
> ** Finally upload deppdiff.

Acknowledged, I add deepdiff to the count as I won't see it
appear in Alioth lists.

Have a nice day,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emoll...@debian.org>
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   `-    on air: Quantum Fantay - Rimbo

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