Hi, I am happy to announce that the next Debian Med sprint will take place in Berlin.
- when: Feb 14-16, 2025 - where: DCSO GmbH, EUREF-Campus 22, 10829 Berlin, Germany The venue is a modern office building in Berlin-Schöneberg, within walking distance to various restaurants and pubs. It is also close to two major S-Bahn (city train) stations, allowing one to get anywhere in Berlin relatively quickly. Hotels and hostels are available a couple of S-Bahn stations away, for example near Anhalter Bahnhof or Potsdamer Platz. The wiki page for the sprint [1] contains more information, accommodation suggestions and a list to sign up for the event. Moreover, if you would like to join our small meeting for bug squashing, or if you are a newcomer looking to get in touch with Debian people, you are perfectly welcome to add your name to the list of attendees as well. Looking forward to see you all! Best regards Sascha [1] https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2025/DebianMed
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