Am Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 12:31:10PM -0300 schrieb Santiago Ruano Rincón:
> El 14/12/24 a las 14:15, Andreas Tille escribió:
> > This would be ony way to enable Debian getting rid of the bootstrap3
> > package (not to bring the package intake in a better state).
> Remember that this is a bug in the upstream code. Have you already tried
> contacting upstream to ask them if they could move to bootstrap 5?
Sure.  The unfortunate issue is that upstream progressed to version
0.7.0 which we can not package due to some not yet packages and pretty
complex dependencies.  I have not yet checked the new version regarding
bootstrap usage.
> > So making Debian upstream of quite a view packages (like intake)?
> No, I don't mean to make debian upstream, but to help upstream (or
> maintainers) providing examples of other porting efforts.

In this specific case upstream would simply answer: "Use last stable",
"use conda" etc...
In case we consider bootstrap3 as a severe security risk we should
probably make the package RC buggy which would prevent the current
intake from being released in stable.

In general I'm not happy about the situation with intake.

Kind regards


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