Dear Andreas,

I think it is just fine to remove igdiscover. Thank you tons.


> Gesendet: Montag, 2. Dezember 2024 um 16:18
&gt; Von: "Andreas Tille" <>
&gt; An: "Debian Med Project List" <>
&gt; CC: "Steffen Moeller" <>
&gt; Betreff: Igdiscover is in quite bad state
&gt; Hi,
&gt; when trying to squash some igdiscover bugs I stumbled upon my last
&gt; commit from one year ago[1] with the commit message
&gt;   Build-Depends igblast; re-activate test (just to show that it is broken)
&gt; (Salsa CI test results are gone meanwhile).  Steffen, we have an existing
&gt; RC buggy package of an old version and a new version that fail its test.
&gt; Is it possibly time for removal of this package.   Or do you (or someone
&gt; else) have a clue how to fix it?
&gt; Kind regards
&gt;     Andreas.
&gt; [1]
&gt; --
&gt; </></></>

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