Hi Karsten,

Thanks for the notice about the newer GNUmed revision!
Karsten Hilbert, on 2024-09-22:
> with Andreas currently being our Father Figure may I ask for
> a kind soul to re-package gnumed-client and gnumed-server due
> to a new upstream version having been published ?

I cloned the gnumed-client and -server to at least have a look,
if not proceeding to an upload.  Maybe someone else is already
at it, but if not, I may have few cycles during some upcoming

> The changelog for reference:
>               1.8.19
>        FIX: export area: exception on browsing export dir
>        FIX: export area: allow removing remote/empty/stale DIRENTRYs
>        FIX: document: gracefully handle empty templates [thanks parallels]
>        FIX: episodes: do not auto-tinker with open state of existing episodes
>        IMPROVED: documents: part export filename
>        IMPROVED: regular expression strings [thanks Wolfgang]
>        IMPROVED: export area: saving entries as archive

Thanks, it looks like there are no changes too involved.  I saw
in the gnumed packages extensive logic to deal with various
issues and dispatch files in several locations and documentation
packages, but it seems most of the heavy lifting is already

> Relevant links:
>       https://packages.debian.org/sid/gnumed-client
>       https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/gnumed-client
>       https://www.gnumed.de/documentation/
>       https://www.gnumed.de/downloads/client/1.8/

I could get gnumed-client 1.8.19, no problem so far.

>       https://www.gnumed.de/downloads/server/v22

I'm a bit confused by the gnumed-server 22.28 refresh I see on
your web page.  Is the 22.28 source code from January already in
sid sufficient, or are there substancial changes?

(I'm just checking I'm not assuming wrongly.  With #1082672 and
the changelog only covering gnumed-client, I'd suppose only the
client is needed.  But if not, a server version bump to 22.29
would have been less confusing and would have had a chance to be
caught by our uscan tool.)

Have a nice day,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emoll...@debian.org>
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