Hi Steffen,

Steffen Möller, on 2024-09-22:
> thank you tons for pointing out that the license of the documentation is not 
> as Free as it should be. I guess this will be addressed with the next major 
> release. For now I have removed docs/manual.adoc and docs/images from the 
> source tree as you suggested.
> https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/gentle

Sounds good, hopefully this is just a matter for upstream to be
explicit about the fact that there are no Invariant Sections in
their documentation, along their use of GFDL.  :)

As far as I can parse, the package is in fair enough shape.  It
inherited most of informational and pedantic lintian notices[1]
from previous package version, but the national-encoding warning
is resolved, which is nice.  I think a couple of informational
items are actionable and would suggest you have a look at them.
But I think they shouldn't be blockers for the package refresh,
so triggered an upload.  Thank you for the contribution!


> I am testing this mostly on a Mac and just ran into some platform-specific 
> bug, but, anyway this version is better than the currently in the archive and 
> so this should be uploaded :)

The "Mac" bit confuses me.  You did work on the package from
within at Debian sid system, virtual machine, or at least some
form of container or chroot, right?

Have a nice day,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emoll...@debian.org>
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