On 06/08/2024 20.36, Andrea Pappacoda wrote:
Il giorno mar 6 ago 2024 alle 11:32:15 -04:00:00, nick black 
<dankamong...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
I maintain it for Fedora, and would be happy to handle it in
Debian; it's a dependency for one of my other packages (notcurses).
Happy to enter into a team maintainership as well.

Hi Nick and Michael, I'd be happy to join this hypothetical team as well. I 
already maintain multiple C++/CMake packages, and I'm looking into using 
libdeflate in Pistache, a library which I maintain both upstream and in Debian.

Thank you Andrea and Nick for volunteering!

Please create a new group on salsa and then we can move the repo[0] from the 
debian-med namespace.

Then you can formalize the change by uploading the new version[1] of libdeflate with the 
new "Maintainer".

[0] https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/libdeflate
[1] https://github.com/ebiggers/libdeflate/releases/tag/v1.21

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