Hi, I wonder whether someone could have a look at python-cogent. It might make sense to upgrade to the latest stable release.
Thanks a lot for all who helped me managing my DPL duty and ignore things I usually would have grabbed up. Kind regards Andreas. ----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von Colin Watson <cjwat...@debian.org> ----- Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 14:38:59 +0100 From: Colin Watson <cjwat...@debian.org> To: Andreas Tille <andr...@an3as.eu>, 950598-cl...@bugs.debian.org Cc: debian-rele...@an3as.eu, Debian Med Project List <debian-med@lists.debian.org>, 1010...@bugs.debian.org Subject: Re: Bug#950598: Chain of Dependencies prevents closing RC bugs On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 11:16:49AM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote: > to fix > > #1030884 python-cogent: FTBFS (ImportError: cannot import name 'float' from > 'numpy') > > and let it migrate to testing it needs to wait for > > #950598 python3-jupyter-sphinx: package relies on unavailable > `ipywidgets.embed` module > > which in turn needs > > #896460 Please package ipywidgets 7 > > which needs another not yet packaged precondition. #896460 has been fixed now for a while, testing has ipywidgets 8.1.1-2, and jupyter_sphinx.execute can be imported. As a result I'm closing this bug, and I think you can revert whatever workarounds you added to python-cogent. Thanks, -- Colin Watson (he/him) [cjwat...@debian.org] ----- Ende weitergeleitete Nachricht ----- -- https://fam-tille.de