Hi, if someone might have time to upgrade SPAdes to its latest version this would be great. Major upgrades of the spades Debian package are unfortunately not straightforward due to several code copies shipped with upstream. Some of them are not identical with the original code.
Kind regards Andreas. ----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von SPAdes no reply <nore...@cab.spbu.ru> ----- From: SPAdes no reply <nore...@cab.spbu.ru> Subject: SPAdes 4.0 is released! Dear SPAdes user We have finally released new SPAdes 4.0! Since its birth in 2012 SPAdes has always been a free and open-source software, mainly supported by various academic and non-profit organization grants. However, since 2022 SPAdes is not developed within a certain academic institution anymore. SPAdes is currently maintained and supported by an international group of volunteering contributors, namely, a SPAdes team. Our old website is not active anymore. We also do not have a dedicated support email. From now on we are relying only on our GitHub repo. Please, download releases and report issues there. We also reworked and improved SPAdes documentation. SPAdes 4.0 will most likely be the last major release introducing new features and significant changes. No further development is currently planned. Nonetheless, we strongly intend to continue making bug-fix releases and supporting our users. And as always - patches are welcome! With love and happy assembling, SPAdes team unsubscribe * ----- Ende weitergeleitete Nachricht ----- -- https://fam-tille.de