Hi all,

I hope you have all had nice holidays, if that's a thing where you live :)
I'd love to fix 17-18. February (or lets meet at 16.2. February evening
inside the water tower like last year.)
Just lets fix it on this 16.2. water tower whoever will make it and
17-18 inside the kacher space provided by Saschas company.  We should
setup an according Wiki page quickly (but I will not be possible to
do this today).
OK, I'll communicate this date to our office management team so they can 
arrange the necessary things with our security company.
I will probably not be able to join in the water tower on the 16th, but no
worry about this.
That's fine.  I did not even checked whether the water tower is
available but I hope we will find either this or some other
space for a hand full of people.
Will you take care of the meeting room there (since you might be booking 
accommodation in the water tower again) or should I reach out to them?
Thanks, and a happy new year

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