Am Sat, Dec 30, 2023 at 04:27:31PM +0530 schrieb Nilesh Patra:
> > I can try to do so but I'm afraid we will run into the same issue as
> > for libsbml[1].
> No, we won't. There are no autopkgtests for the python wrapper. If 
> autopkgtests for this
> are added, we should just run the same for default python3 and not all 
> supported versions.
> libsbml tests fail due to us running it for supporter pyvers[1]. I don't 
> think it should be an issue.

But this is due to

   Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-python

by simply loading the module with any pyvers.  Loading libsbml would be
a sensible test as well but I have no idea how to tell
autopkgtest-pkg-python to use simply default Python3 version.

Kind regards
> [1]:


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