Hi Andreas,

Andreas Tille, on 2023-09-28:
> in Summer we did not do any video meetings but I think we should start
> with this nice habit again.  We agreed upon one meeting per month is OK
> and we also realised that moving meetings around over the week does not
> bring more attendees than if we do on a certain day of the week.  My
> poll was answered by 3 team members.  I feel somehow overridden in my
> preference of Friday and Sunday since it seems Saturday at the latest of
> the suggested times is an option we can live with.  Since I'm traveling
> on the first Saturday of October (7th of October) I propose to meet
> every second Saturday of a month which would be 2023-10-14 as our first
> meeting after the summer break.  I'll announce this accordingly one or
> two days in advance.  Meeting time will be 19 UTC which is a bit
> late for Nilesh but Pierre had this time only.
Incidently, I will be singing at a concert on October 7th, so
the 14th works also way better for me.

I update my calendar accordingly.  I assume we still stick to
the usual Jitsi channel[1]?

[1]: https://jitsi.debian.social/DebianMedCovid19

> If someone is totally unhappy with this suggestion please let us
> know here.
> See you next time on video

Have a good evening,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emoll...@debian.org>
 : :' :  gpg: 8f91 b227 c7d6 f2b1 948c  8236 793c f67e 8f0d 11da
 `. `'   sent from /dev/pts/4, please excuse my verbosity
   `-    on air: Joel Hoekstra - Join Us

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