
> Hi César,
> César Pomar, on 2023-09-07:
> > The latest version of VeryFastTree is now available
> > in the Salsa repository. It should pass all Debian tests now.
> Thanks for your work on this, I'm open to proceed to an upload,
> but I wanted to point out a few things first:
>   * from lintian's automatic review, there are a couple of
>     warnings about the baseline specific executables caught
>     without manual pages:
>         W: veryfasttree: no-manual-page [usr/bin/VeryFastTree-avx2]
>         W: veryfasttree: no-manual-page [usr/bin/VeryFastTree-avx512f]
>         W: veryfasttree: no-manual-page [usr/bin/VeryFastTree-avx]
>         W: veryfasttree: no-manual-page [usr/bin/VeryFastTree-sse2]
>         W: veryfasttree: no-manual-page [usr/bin/VeryFastTree-sse4_1]
>     so maybe it would be worth either moving these executables
>     out of the path, canonically under libexec/ so the dispatch
>     script finds them there, unless you want to provide the
>     alternate baseline programs in the path, in which case you
>     might consider applying a lintian override for those
>     warnings; or third option, you can modify the manual page to
>     answer to all the variants;

Any options seem fine to me, although I don't
see any scenario where a user would want to run the binaries directly.
Which option do you recommend?

>   * from lintian's pedantic checks, I see also one instance of:
>         P: veryfasttree source: maintainer-manual-page
>     which makes me wonder whether it would make sense to ship
>     the manual page straight in your upstream code, for the
>     benfit of your users not installing veryfasttree through the
>     Debian package;

Andreas had already mentioned it to me; the man page is basically the help
displayed by the binary, so I didn't see the need to distribute it
outside of Debian.

>   * pristine-tar branch ends with a commit from root: I don't
>     have strong opinions whether this should be left as-is or
>     force-pushed with a proper user ID, however I would strongly
>     suggest not running any packaging step with elevated
>     privileges in general.

Sorry, I didn't know that could be considered an issue.
I ran the build inside a Docker container.

> The package is in otherwise good shape.  Please let me know at
> least how you would like to address the lintian warnings, and I
> will proceed to a sponsored upload.

As said, I will do what you advise.

> Have a nice day,  :)

Best regards,

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