
for some reason I do not know Cesar's mail did not come through to the
list.  I'm doing full quotes in my response.  Unfortunately the quoting
is badly formatted and I might have not fixed them all manually.

> Hi Andreas,
> I'm forwarding this email to you because I noticed that it's not appearing on 
> debian-med@lists.debian.org.> https://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2023/06/> 
> Am I doing something wrong?
> Best regards,> César
> De:>  PIÑEIRO POMAR CESAR ALFREDO <cesaralfredo.pine...@usc.es>
> Enviado:>  miércoles, 28 de junio de 2023 12:42
> Para:>  debian-med@lists.debian.org <debian-med@lists.debian.org>
> Asunto:>  Re: Request for Sponsorship: VeryFastTree - Parallelized and 
> Optimized Version of FastTree
> Hi Andreas,
> > These tags are no problem at all.  The only problem I see is that you
> > did not tagged the actual target of your packaging version 4.0.  I've
> > created a watch file which would fetch this version if it would be
> > tagged but it is missing.  Please do so on Github.
> I created the tag and the release. I was waiting for some details that 
> I have already added.

> > I'd volunteer to do so once I can download a tarball from Github which
> > will be possible once the version is tagged.
> Thanks.

> > Definitely for only release.  While there is a packaging workflow which
> > works with cloning Github this is not the usual way we deal with
> > packages inside the Debian Med team.  This does not mean you could not
> > do so but I can not give any advise and you will create trouble for your
> > sponsor who always needs to remember how that workflow was working.  We
> > have established a pretty easy way to upgrade packages.  It is the
> > package `routine-update` and you just need to call the script in that
> > package which will fetch new upstream tarballs, injects it into Git and
> > builds the package after adjusting to latest packaging standards.
> >
> > Thus I would strongly recommend to run this script.  I would even
> > demonstarte that script - however, first I need a version 4.0 tarball.
> If I understood correctly, I just need to worry about updating GitHub and
> then use routine-update to update in Salsa when a release needs to be made.
> In fact, today I made a couple of changes to the README and the 
> dependencies on GitHub , so now I can see what the update would look like.


> > BTW, I so no real need to provide the manpage inside the debian/ dir.
> > It might be useful for other distributions as well.
> I stored the manpage inside the Debian folder because that's what the 
> packaging guide instructed. How should I store it to make use of it in 
> other distributions?

Just somewhere else than inside the debian/ dir which is for Debian
packaging only.  If the Debian maintainer creates a manpage that belongs
to debian/ (and should be forwarded upstream to enable inclusion inside
the main tarball / upstream code).  You can put it into your main
directory in some dir man/, doc/ or only_wimps_are_reading_docs/ -
whatever you decide.  Its your upstream project.  You just need to point
debian/manpages to that location to install it into the Debian package.

Favourably your CMakeLists.txt file will install this manpage at the
correct place which means that you can even drop debian/manpages.

> > I noticed that you followed the advise of Thorsten Alteholz to add the
> > copyright statements for the included third party libraries.  That was
> > probably quite some work but its only the second best way to deal with
> > these.  In Debian you should try really hard to link against the
> > Debian packaged versions of these libraries.  At a first look all these
> > are available.  The development packages of the libraries should be
> > added as Build-Depends and it should be ensured that these are linked.
> > The best way to ensure this is to remove the code copies from the
> > source tarball.  You can do so by adding them inside a
> >
> >    Files-Excluded:
> >
> > field in debian/copyright.  However, looking at the libs I really
> > wonder whether you should simply remove boost*, bzip2 and zlib in any
> > case.  These libs are existing on any known Linux distribution - there
> > is no point in carrying around those code copies (since you always
> > need to expect that there might be hidden security issues which you
> > can not maintain on your own).  But that's up to you - the Debian
> > source tarball Files-Excluded procedure can easily approach this. 
> I have added code to search for the Boost libraries on the system 
> instead of using the ones stored in the "lib" directory. With this 
> change, the project now uses Boost*, Bzip2, and Zlib.

Good.  See the Files-Excluded paragraph in d/copyright which I added to
provide you with some working example.  I also removed the according
paragraphs in d/copyright which do not make sense any more once the
source code is removed.

BTW, to get the package finally built I had to do some changes in the
packaging and finally also inside your CMakeLists.txt file which I did
in a quilt patch[1].  This patch is a bit rude and you probably want to
solve this upstream inside a conditional statement.  I simply intended
to do this rather quickly and leave the final decision to you.

> The other 
> libraries are minor and it's more complicated to add them:
> * bxzstr: It's a small library and not available in Debian.

Fine for the moment.

> * mman-win32: It is ignored because it is only for Windows.

So you should leave this for your upstream code but for the Debian
packaging we can / should drop it.  Droping Windows only code makes
perfectly sense in cases when the upstream source tarball needs to be
stripped anyway.  It does not consume space and bandwidth on Debian
servers and does not create any need for mentioning it in d/copyright
for the maintainer.  (See Files-Excluded)

> * robin-map and xxhash: They are available in Debian, but
>   they are not compatible. For example, in the case of xxhash,
>   they have updated the hash methods, and it will cause issues.

That's an interesting thing to discuss

I checked the Debian source of robin-map which has the same Copyright
date as yours but there are quite some differences inside the files.
That's a bit confusing to me.  I would have a way better feeling if the
Debian packaged version would work without changes.  If you have own
patches applied please make sure these are documented - at best inside
the issue tracker of upstream to let them know the issues you have.

In libs/xxhash/include/xxh64.hpp I read
  Copyright (c) 2015 Daniel Kirchner
which is different from what the LICENSE statement says and ftpmaster
will definitely stumble upon this.  It also looks like outdated code
and if you ask me you are well advised to check your upstream code,
whether you could port it to the recent library.

Apropos "cause issues":  It would be strongly recommended that you
provide some minimal test case by providing some sequence(s) run the
program and compare it with expected results.  We would like to use
this in some autopkgtest which we would like to establish as default
for all Debian Med packages.

> * CLI11: I haven't found it in Debian, and yet I still need that
>   specific implementation.


> I haven't found an example of using "Files-Excluded:". Do I need to 
> change "Files" to "Files-Excluded"?

Just watch at my changes in d/copyright as well as all commits I did.
Those that were done by routine-update were properly marked by
routine-update itself or by lintian-brush (which is called by

> > As a final remark:  Please remove the debian/ dir from your master
> > branch.  If the package is maintained on Salsa by the Debian Med team
> > this is the natural place to maintain this dir.  It has no real use for
> > non-Debian user and for Debian its only helpful on Salsa.  So there is
> > no point in keeping this inside your repository or download tarball.
> I didn't upload the Debian folder on GitHub, it's only available on Salsa.


Short summary:  I'd recommend resolving the cmake patch in your upstream
code and add an example that might be sensible for some CI test.  Also
move the manpage to some proper place.  Once this is done you might like
to consider some new micro-release 4.0.1 (or whatever you prefer) to
enable fetching this via uscan easily.

If you think the hash libraries should remain as they are please make
sure the copyright holder that is mentioned inside the header file is
mentioned in d/copyright.

Kind regards and thanks for your work on this package



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