On 07/02/2023 07:00, Andreas Tille wrote:
Am Mon, Feb 06, 2023 at 10:21:46PM +0000 schrieb Rebecca N. Palmer:
I switched it because of the general recommendation to move away from master
because it's potentially offensive.
Thanks for explaining your reason for the change. I admit I have not
heard about this
I don't know how widely accepted this currently is, either within Debian
or more generally.
our metadata should just reflect
this reality.
I agree. (The main reason most of my packages still have nominal
Uploaders who haven't touched them in years is that leaving them there
was free while hurriedly asking them if they still wanted it would risk
accidentally offending them.)
I'm probably not the best person to maintain snakemake
I do intend to continue maintaining snakemake for the time being
(including packaging the new upstream release that just happened). This
was intended to be a statement that I'm happy to give it up if a more
suitable person does volunteer.