Andreas Tille <> writes:

> thanks again a lot for your helpful comments.

No problem.

> I wonder what needs to be done to create the said binaries.

Ah, right, they need VDB; please try adding a build dependency on
libncbi-vdb-dev and removing --without-vdb from the configure command
line.  Also, you can perform a more targeted build by adding
--with-flat-makefile and then changing the build command to

cd c++/*/build && make -f Makefile.flat app/igblast/

where the trailing slash is mandatory.  (This approach will still yield
some ancillary binaries, namely internal builds tools.)

> I think that controverse is over and implemented in the package
> template which contains the according lintian-override[1]

OK, thanks. :-)

> OK, pushed Recommends to Salsa (will drop superficial executables)

Great, thanks!

> I admit that's too much for a "Team upload" done by a person who has no
> idea about all the ncbi stuff.

That's fair; you can leave the build static for now and I'll take care of
those adjustments when I get a chance.  Likewise for portability issues,
though as noted you probably won't have to look far for patches.

>> - Some use cases may want app/igblast's internal_data and optional_file
> Commited to git.


Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at |

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