Thanks a lot again for your help, detailed answers and upload!

Best regards,

On 09/02/2022 12:00, Andreas Tille wrote:
Dear Emmanuel,

Am Wed, Feb 09, 2022 at 10:28:13AM +0100 schrieb Emmanuel Promayon:
I managed to get the package to build (and not just the binaries!) and
autopkgtest to run without error.
Cool!  Thanks a lot.

I just pushed the required modification and two patches.
Note that I had to use sed in d/rules for override_dh_auto_configure, hope
that's ok.
I've seen and implemented way dirtier hacks. ;-)
Lintian still generates the following warnings:

W: libcamitk-dev: breaks-without-version libvtk6-dev
W: libcamitk-dev: breaks-without-version libvtk6-java
W: libcamitk-dev: breaks-without-version libvtk6-jni
W: libcamitk-dev: breaks-without-version libvtk6-qt-dev
These should probably be fixed but I've left them for the moment.

W: camitk-actionstatemachine-dbgsym: elf-error In program headers: Unable to
find program interpreter name
W: camitk-config-dbgsym: elf-error In program headers: Unable to find
program interpreter name
W: camitk-imp-dbgsym: elf-error In program headers: Unable to find program
interpreter name
W: libcamitk-dev-dbgsym: elf-error In program headers: Unable to find
program interpreter name
W: libcamitk-dev-dbgsym: elf-error In program headers: Unable to find
program interpreter name
W: libcamitk-dev-dbgsym: elf-error In program headers: Unable to find
program interpreter name
W: libcamitk-dev-dbgsym: elf-error In program headers: Unable to find
program interpreter name
N: 1 hint overridden (1 warning); 0 unused overrides
I think these are false positives.
I am not sure how to deal with both:
- breaks-without-version → when I tried adding "(>= 6.3.0)" in d/control,
running "cme check dpkg-control" said "unnecessary greater-than versioned
I admit I'm also not sure here and decided to ignore these warnings for the

- elf-error → this one I don't really understand!

Would it be possible for you to check this?
I've checked and uploaded to *new* (due to the new binary package names).
Kind regards


Emmanuel Promayon
Professeur Univ. Grenoble Alpes - Polytech Grenoble
Laboratoire TIMC - équipe GMCAO

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