Hi Andreas,
On 18/12/2021 08:52, Andreas Tille wrote:
Hi Pierre,
Am Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 11:27:50PM +0100 schrieb Pierre Gruet:
I have just uploaded latest upstream version of pilon to unstable, together
with a fix for the scala issues showing up. Normally we would have had to
update scala from 2.11 to 2.13, but here the fix was very short to write.
Thanks a lot!
Sorry, I mixed up the changelog entries a bit because I forgot to pull from
Salsa before working on the package, but now on Salsa everything is right.
Anyway, for sure the
right thing would be to upgrade Scala.
Yep. We need this anyway.
This email is the opportunity to ask you a question: I saw you were the
initial sponsor of sbt, the Scala Build Tool. The source package was
accepted with a lot of embedded jars inside. Do you remember if you had some
discussion with FTP Masters about it before they accepted the package?
Arguably this is costly to avoid in such a setting, where we need Scala
dependencies to build a tool that builds Scala programs...
I vaguely remember that the bootstrapping process required some
discussion with ftpmaster but I forgot the details. Since the discussion
was long ago I think it needs to be taken up again if needed.
No problem! Thanks for confirming this discussion took place. Admittedly
we would have to hold it again when upgrading the packages.
I am regularly spending time collecting the repositories with the
sources of those embedded jars. Some are hard to find. Still, I think
this is a necessary (but huge) step to go on packaging all the Scala stuff.
I am interested in this, because I regularly give some time to improving the
state of the Scala ecosystem in Debian, and sbt if central in it.
It would be really great if you could update Scala since we will face
issues over and over with other recent software using it.
Indeed...! I also see it more and more often.
Warm regards,
Same to you