Hi Nilesh,

Am Thu, Dec 09, 2021 at 01:57:56PM +0530 schrieb Nilesh Patra:
> control: reopen -1
> control: found -1 python-cooler/0.8.11
> On 9 December 2021 1:51:15 pm IST, Andreas Tille <andr...@an3as.eu> wrote:
> >Its not the most elegant fix but given that the code contained the
> >ipytree recommends even before but it was just tested now excluding the
> >affected tests seemed to be appropriate.
> I was at it, and last I checked, ipytree is actually being used in the code. 
> So it's not just a recommends. We need ipytree.
> This fix is wrong, please revert this, since it only hides the problems, and 
> not really fixes it.
> And ofcourse, if something changed with new release, feel free to correct me 
> and/or close the bug.

I was simply concluding from the fact that setup.py lists this as
"extras_require" where we for instance also can find psutil which we did
not included (but probably should!).  Yes, I've seen ipytree inside the
code and I'm not sure how this part of the code is used.  To be on the
save side I've added README.Debian[2] to inform users about the issue
and how it can be circumvented if needed.

I think you did not really re-opened the bug (since it was not in CC) -
so if you want to it should probably not be RC (either normal or
important), IMHO.

Kind regards


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/python-cooler/-/blob/master/setup.py#L56


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