thank you very much Andreas! May be worth uploading new version (even if only to announce the move) so if we forget about the move we have a better chance to detect it?
I thought we were up to date with connectome-workbench ... yeap - we are. Upstream is "involved" with uploads so we keep it uptodate afaik. Also upstream (in both cases, we are the upstream of heudiconv) is interested in neurodebian backports, at least for the most recent debian stable -- so ideally those packages should not jump onto bleeding edge packaging changes which would make them incompatible with debhelper etc in debian stable. On Wed, 17 Nov 2021, Andreas Tille wrote: > Hi, > just to let you know: I've imported heudiconv to Debian Med team > repository[1]. Please make sure you pull from there in case you > intend to commit further to this package. > I also imported connectome-workbench[2] and Nilesh wants to > upload a next package version soon. > Kind regards > Andreas. > [1] > [2] -- Yaroslav O. Halchenko Center for Open Neuroscience Dartmouth College, 419 Moore Hall, Hinman Box 6207, Hanover, NH 03755 WWW: