Hi Guido, Am Sat, Oct 02, 2021 at 08:23:35PM +0200 schrieb Guido Rovera: > Dear Debian Med members, > my name is Guido Rovera and I am a medical doctor but also a linux user and > an enthusiast developer. > I was referenced to the Debian Med group by a member of the debian-devel > IRC channel. > *I would like to submit a project proposal to the Debian Med group.* > I have recently developed a linux-native open-source software called > "TechneNotes" (https://grovera.gitlab.io/technenotes/ - see details below) > that can greatly help medical doctors / scientists / researchers and > developers to better organize their knowledge / research material and > results. > ...
Thanks a lot for this interesting program. I agree that this might be an interesting package for us. As I promises in our video conference I'd like to point you to the Mentoring of the Month effort: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/community/MoM/-/wikis/home I hope the introductory text is helpful for the moment. I also promised links to packaging workshop videos - I'll simply add these later to that Wiki. Thanks again for your intend to contribute and I'm happy to guide you kindly into packaging details. Kind regards Andreas. -- http://fam-tille.de