Op 8-9-2021 om 09:07 schreef Andrius Merkys:
I am aware of solutions to similar problems, for example, libcifpp
package, which keeps an up-to-date mmcif_pdbx_v50.dic.gz at
/var/cache/libcifpp/mmcif_pdbx_v50.dic.gz. This could work for
components.cif.gz as well, but my main concern is whether keeping
system-wide components.cif.gz up-to-date is what every user would want.
The latest incarnation of libcifpp already caches a copy of
components.cif.gz in the exact same location. Not in Debian yet, will
upload when I have the time.
The way I do it in libcifpp is place a distribution provided copy in
/usr/share/libcifpp/ I also install a script that weekly fetches a fresh
copy that is then installed in /var/cache/libcifpp. For both the mmcif
dictionary as well as the CCD components.cif file.
The update script runs only when the accompanying settings file
/etc/libcifpp.conf contains the line 'update = yes'.
The installation of this script is also a dpkg configuration option.
I thought that covered all cases.
But I would not mind having a system wide service to update data files
like these. Perhaps with a log with version info, so you can look up
what version was used at what date.