On 7/12/21 8:51 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
On Sun, Jul 11, 2021 at 07:06:46PM +0200, Steffen Möller wrote:
Which Debian packages support the ASTM lab equipment (over TCP)
protocol? An overview would be nice.

Nothing in Debian, and nothing anywhere, so it felt.
Found a Python package implementing the ASTM standard from 2013, which we could 
(help you to) maintain in Debian. But otherwise, there was not too much Free 
software available from what a quick web search offered. What would you like to 

We simply need pointers to DFSG-free software implementing what you need
and than we can consider packaging it.  Any links would be helpful.

Kind regards


But from other side it make little sense to package some scientific python code with abandoned upstream :) (as quite many if not most of python modules are)

Best regards,

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