
I had joined the bio.tools folks this afternoon for a pre-meeting of an
EU project to give the registries a boost. I was asked what Debian would
want from them. And while I do not think that my answer was completely
off, we should possibly come up with a consensus on this list. Here my
shot, hoping to seed further discussions, not only among current
contributors to Debian Med:
 * Awareness - something better than our task lists
    - of Debian as a whole
    - of packages Debian offers
    - for the possibiliy that
      + Debian can be joined and that there is mentoring for newbies
      + companies offer support for Debian/Ubuntu where this is desired

 * Guidance - something better than our Excel sheet
    - packages that Debian offers for particular tasks/problems/workflows
    - packages that Debian misses (but conda/guix have or workflow X
depends on that is already 90% covered with Debian packages)
    - pointers to new technical developments that Debian should look at

 * workflows meta-continuous integration testing
    - workflows should come with examples how to run them
    - Debian has reproducible builds - can we have repoducible workflow
    - Some distribution-independent testing environment should compare
results between conda/guix/Debian/brew...

 * Improved compatibility
    - "apt-get install conda", please. We are not too far from that but
need some guidance for the last meters.
    - avoid "which python installation"-hassle with /usr/bin/python* vs
conda installation shebang lines


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