Hi Steffen,

On 6/1/21 7:57 AM, Steffen Möller wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to add "Stan" to the list of languages to have a closer look at
> (https://mc-stan.org).  We do not have a Debian package for this
> statistics programming environment. R has rspan as an interface, so do
> Python, Matlab, Julia - you name them. Have a look at the documentation
> - very stimulating and (admittedly) educative.


I do see some relevant R packages though, and looks like rstan is packaged 

$ apt-file search rstan | awk '{print $1}' | uniq | grep stan | sed s/\://g

> If someone on this list is using Stan already - I was missing it in my
> attempt to collect dependencies of sigfit (-> rspan -> span) - what else
> is there that I was not aware of? I did not find a Debian package of
> stan, which comes as a bit of a surprise, admittedly. Any takers?

Pretty interesting. If you have a list, I'd be happy to help.
Please consider making a page in the Debian wiki to track this.

I can't be a taker "alone" since I lack both in skills and time I can devote to 
get this packaged.
It'd be nice to have a wiki and do sort of team work to get this in. To me, it 
looks worth having in
the archive - absolutely.


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