Hi Steffen,

Steffen Möller, on 2021-05-24:
> Nanoplot was blocked by the tricky-to-package orca extension of plotly.
> Orca seems to be substitute by kaleido, which is also tricky to package.
> The idea is to use some magic of chromium that is made available via
> docker to craft an executable that can transform SVGs in web outputs.  I
> am tempted to think that this of general interest. They say that pypi
> and conda can just install this a a one-liner, well, so can Debian once
> it is packaged, but I have no clue how to get there.

Having filed the RFP for plotly-orca, I consider your finding
interesting.  Is that the kaleido hosted on the following


(I would guess so, just confirming.)

Kind Regards,
Étienne Mollier <etienne.moll...@mailoo.org>
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