Hi Nilesh,

On Sat, May 22, 2021 at 11:38:38PM +0530, Nilesh Patra wrote:
> libstreamvbyte: has been in salsa for a while, but it was never uploaded. I 
> did a few minor changes, and its good to go.
> Please review and upload.

Uploaded after removing non-functional autopkgtest boilerplate.
> vbz-compression: It took more effort to get this one building, but I'm not 
> particularly sure if it's done right.
> Upstream beuild rules look just weird -- For instance upstream has no install 
> rule in cmake for installing headers (I installed all headers manually since 
> I dont know which ones are needed) and also the final vendored shared object 
> library has SONAME different from that of package (which lintian also warns 
> about)
> Hence a review for it will be great to confirm if it is fine-ish.
> PS: While I can upload both myself, please consider to upload them for me. 
> (Bit too tired out for the day and probably coming days as well :-))

No time to check this today (not sure about the next two days.

Kind regards



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