On 4/23/21 5:02 AM, Nilesh Patra wrote:
GitHub lately decided to change it's tarball locations from
archive/version to archive/ref/tag/version - or something similar.
This ended up breaking a lot of d/watch files which fetch stuff from
There was a discussion on -devel[1] regarding fixing d/watch for github
URLs, a few nice suggestions but nothing concrete - and looks like in
any case, we need to editing huge amounts of watch files.
If someone has a script/way to do that teamwide, it'd be nice - please
consider doing so.
If not, I'll try asking around. Perhaps JS team fixed that already.
Or would you know if there's another way than manually(or via script) changing
[1]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2021/03/msg00179.html
Hi Nilesh,
I thinking some concept, I hope it okay to type so maybe one of the
logic will work... as I also new with debian packaging to I not use it
possible or not.
1 Using github API
1.1 access limit
- Unauthenticated clients can make 60 requests per hour
- Authenticated clients via personal OAuth tokens can make 5,000
requests per hour
- Enterprise client, not sure..
1.2 Who use it
- if personal person, it don't think that will be problem as the limit
is good enough
- but for bigger system like tracker.d.o, this will be issue
1.3 Possibility of endpoint changes
- It rarely IMO but the best workaround (so we don't need to alter
watch file on all debian package) is to have 1 system hosted by debian
so the watch file will just get package version and package URL (tar.gz
file) which return by Github API.
1.4 comment
- need API subscription (maybe need to pay? or github willing to give
free access?). For example, I may use
https://api.github.com/repos/<username>/<projectname>/releases and read
tag_name, prerelease and tarball_url for next further action
- need a new system (lets call it as "watch.debian.net" to use github
API) so watch file will fetch from it
(github API) <--> (watch.debian.net) <--> (uscan watch file)
2. mass changes
2.1 tool
- need to write a tool to fetch any debian package that use "not
working" watch URL (github)
- alter the d/watch file with "working" watch URL (github)
- commit
2.2 comment
- if the URL break/change in future, this tool need to execute again
and commit the change
3. manual changes
3.1 comment
- The maintainer need to spent time each time URL changes happen..it
From this 3 concept in my head, the best solution and less time
consuming in future and now are using github API. But as I mention that
part split into 2; either use call the github API directly or call the
API from a centralize system (watch.debian.net) and I prefer call from a
centralize system so if new API version released and unlucky API
endpoint/parameter are changes.. only this watch.debian.net need to
adapt the changes
It like another thing such like pypi.debian.net, but not limited to python.
btw I couldn't find pypi.debian.net source code but reading from
https://warehouse.readthedocs.io/api-reference/#rate-limiting look like
pypi.org offer unlimited rate limit but they reserves the right to
temporarily or permanently prohibit the request anytime based on the
it just my thought.. hopefully there is something useful
Email : Robbi Nespu <robbinespu AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>
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