On Thu, 14 Nov 2024, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:

>> anyone doing mpg123 for bullseye?
>At the moment, nobody has claimed the package [0].

OK. Unless someone else wants, I’ll have a look at it,
though after the weekend, as I’m on a choral workshop.

>Your help would be very much appreciated. A good place to start would be
>the Debian LTS team development documentation [1]. Should you have any
>questions at all, please feel free to ask on the list (or in #debian-lts
>on IRC).

Thanks, will read and ask.

18:47⎜<mirabilos:#!/bin/mksh> well channels… you see, I see everything in the
same window anyway      18:48⎜<xpt:#!/bin/mksh> i know, you have some kind of
telnet with automatic pong         18:48⎜<mirabilos:#!/bin/mksh> haha, yes :D
18:49⎜<mirabilos:#!/bin/mksh> though that's more tinyirc – sirc is more comfy

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