
This is my October 2024 monthly report for the Freexian LTS/ELTS [1] initiative.
Many thanks to Freexian and sponsors [2] for providing this opportunity!


I spent most of the time working on the nss package for Debian
Bullseye, plus some work to sync security changes with Debian

Some highlights:

* research CVE-2024-7531 -- this took a good chunk of time, despite of
it being a “low” security problem. Result is that Debian Bullseye is
not affected.
* prepared Debian Bookworm update for CVE-2024-6602, CVE-2024-6609 and
CVE-2024-0743 in sync with Debian Bullseye (not uploaded yet, will do
next month)
* published DLA-3937-1 with Debian Bullseye updates


Similarly, I also worked on the nss package for Debian Buster/Stretch/Jessie

Some highlights:
* iterated on CVE-2024-6602 and CVE-2024-6609
* some autopkgtest fixes
* got all packages built and uploaded to the staging area (no ELA sent
yet, will do next month)


[1] https://www.freexian.com/lts/
[2] https://www.freexian.com/lts/debian/#sponsors

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