Here is my June 2024 report for the Freexian LTS/ELTS initiative [1].
Many thanks to Freexian and sponsors [2] for providing this opportunity.
# clamav 1.0.x
In order to backport clamav 1.0.x, we need a newer version of
rustc/cargo in (E)LTS releases. I was able to backport clamav to
bullseye using binaries provided by src:rustc-web and src:cargo-mozilla.
After some discussion, was decided that we should update src:rustc-web
at least to version 1.70.0+dfsg2-1, where newer versions of cargo
binaries started to be provided by rustc.
This month, I was able to backport src:rustc version 1.70.0+dfsg2-1 to
bullseye, this work will be used to update src:rustc-web. Next step is
to check whether we can backport this to buster and stretch.
[1] https://www.freexian.com/lts/
[2] https://www.freexian.com/lts/debian/#sponsors
Lucas Kanashiro