Hi Abhijith

I had a brief look at varnish that you have worked on to figure out
what the state of the package is.

In buster I can see the following CVEs.
CVE-2024-30156 - ignored in bullseye and bookworm because it is too
intrusive to backport
CVE-2023-44487 - ignored in bullseye and bookworm because it is too
intrusive to backport
CVE-2019-20637 - looks like it can be backported

My question to you is which issue you have tried to address? Is it

If only that, is there any particular reason why CVE-2024-30156 and
CVE-44487 have not been ignored for buster as well?

Thanks in advance

// Ola

 --- Inguza Technology AB --- MSc in Information Technology ----
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