Hi Chris, I am not sure whether you are able to access this repo [1]. If not - the md-file is in attachment, please update it and feel free to send me.
b) I am not able to answer right now,. Maybe some other team members will help. [1] https://gitlab.com/freexian/organization/website/ Anton Am Mo., 10. Okt. 2022 um 19:43 Uhr schrieb Chris Lamb <la...@debian.org>: > Hi friends, > > I noticed that some of the URLs on the ELTS instructions page are now > outdated: > > https://www.freexian.com/lts/extended/docs/how-to-use-extended-lts/ > > In particular, the references to: > > a) freexian-archive-keyring_2020.09.19_all.deb > b) archive-key.gpg > > … return a 404. > > "a)" simply needs updating to the latest version > (freexian-archive-keyring_2022.06.08_all.deb), but I'm not sure what > to do with "b)", as well as how to update these instructions in the > first place. > > > Regards, > > -- > ,''`. > : :' : Chris Lamb > `. `'` la...@debian.org 🍥 chris-lamb.co.uk > `- > >
+++ type = "docs" title = "How to use Extended LTS" date = 2018-05-30T12:13:12+02:00 weight = 100 draft = false bref = "To benefit from the security updates, you just have to configure APT to use our extended LTS repository" toc = false +++ ### Adding extended LTS repositories to APT #### Installing the freexian archive GPG key The extended LTS repositories are signed with the following GPG key: ``` sec rsa4096 2018-05-28 [SC] [expires: 2025-07-18] AB597C4F6F3380BD4B2BEBC2A07310D369055D5A uid [ultimate] Extended LTS Repository <sysad...@freexian.com> ``` To enable this key in your APT configuration, you have the following choices: * manually install the freexian-archive-keyring package with `wget http://deb.freexian.com/extended-lts/pool/main/f/freexian-archive-keyring/freexian-archive-keyring_2020.09.19_all.deb && sudo dpkg -i freexian-archive-keyring_2020.09.19_all.deb` * manually fetch the key with `sudo wget http://deb.freexian.com/extended-lts/archive-key.gpg -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/freexian-archive-extended-lts.gpg` You might want to double check that the key fingerprint outputted by `apt-key finger` matches the one shown above. #### sources.list entries for APT ##### For Debian 8 jessie Here's what you should put in `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/extended-lts.list`: ``` deb http://deb.freexian.com/extended-lts jessie-lts main contrib non-free ``` Note that this repository only contains the security updates, not all packages from Debian 8. If you want all packages from Debian 8, you should keep another repository pointing to a Debian 8 mirror. We do provide a repository combining all Debian 8 packages and our security updates, but please use it only for small setups: ``` deb http://deb.freexian.com/extended-lts jessie main contrib non-free ``` ### Be nice, use local mirrors/caches There are currently no mirrors of this service and it runs on a single dedicated server. If you have many machines to keep secure, please make a local mirror (or use some cache) and point your machines to your local mirror (or cache) instead of pointing them to the repositories provided by Freexian.