Hi Chris,

On Wed, Mar 09, 2022 at 11:11:41AM +0000, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Hi Wouter,
> > I've prepared an update and pushed it to my repository at
> > https://salsa.debian.org/wouter/nbd/-/tree/debian-stretch
> Thanks for preparing this. I'm very happy to handle the DLA side of
> this for you.


> However, I noticed that when I build your debian-stretch branch, I
> need to manually run autogen.sh prior to building the package.
> I do see this in the .gitlab-ci.yml script, so this is likely entirely
> expected...

Yes, it is. I believe I fixed it in later versions (I don't usually
clean my git checkout, so don't easily run against it), but it's not
something I think should be dealt with for an LTS update...

> but I flag it here because it suggests that I might be
> missing some other steps. (My thinking is that it's best to check and
> be slightly conservative, especially when doing security releases.)

Sure, that makes sense. Thanks for checking, but go right ahead and run
autogen.sh :-)


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