
apologies for two emails, I missed this bit:

On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 09:57:24AM +0200, Sylvain Beucler wrote:
> One issue: https://pad.riseup.net/p/lts-meeting-agenda is currently
> unresponsive for me.

works for me now.

It currently has this agenda:

1. Say hi / review & amend agenda as needed
2. Stretch LTS
3. Survey
4. Project funding
   * Are we happy with 
   * Shall we start? aka communicate on it and solicit projects from core teams
5. different pad for the agenda?
6. Any other business

> Their home page https://pad.riseup.net/ says they are experiencing troubles.
> Holger, should we use a different service for the next meeting?
> ( https://framapad.org/ comes to mind )

I'd say we go for pad.riseup.net for this meeting and discuss switching
at the meeting. Ideally I would prefer to use some Debian pad service
or maybe Debian gobby?


       PGP fingerprint: B8BF 5413 7B09 D35C F026 FE9D 091A B856 069A AA1C

"Climate change" is an euphenism. "Global warming" as well.

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