
now has the draft for the Debian publicity bits announcement about the
Debian Long Term Support (LTS) users and contributors survey we want
to conduct in the next two weeks.

Some remarks, feedback and fixes much welcome:

- I'm not sure whether to include 20 or 2020 in the filename, we'll probably
  want to do another survey in 2020...
- neither I'm unsure whether to include an email address for private
  feedback and if so which. press@? me? utkarsh? buxy?

The full blob as in git as of now:

Title: Debian Long Term Support (LTS) users and contributors survey
Slug: lts-survey
Date: 2020-07-13 14:00
Author: Holger Levsen
Tags: project, announcement
Status: draft

On July 18th Stretch LTS starts, bringing two more years of security support
to the Debian Stretch release. Stretch LTS will be the fourth LTS round, after
starting with Squeeze LTS in 2014, Wheezy LTS in 2016 and Jessie LTS in 2018.

This time for the first time ever, we have prepared a small survey about our
users and contributors, who are you and why are you using LTS?

Filling out the survey should take less than 10 minutes. We would really
appreciate if you could [participate in the survey 
In two weeks, on July 27th 2020, we will close the survey, so please don't
hesitate and participate now! After that, there will be a followup presenting
the results.

More information about Debian LTS is available at https://wiki.debian.org/LTS
including generic contact information.


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