On 02/03/2020 12:57, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> On 01/03/2020 00:28, Holger Levsen wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 10:46:48PM +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:
>>>> I have moved it to the security-tracker in [1]. 
>>> hah. 
>> hah and now that I want to use it I realize you moved the MR only... grrr.
>> ok, we'll see how this goes.
> And it's finally merged into webwml. You can run it like this:
> emilio@andromeda:~/deb/webwml$ ./english/security/find-missing-advisories 
> --mode DLA --tracker ../lts/security-tracker/

> ERROR: .data or .wml file missing for DLA 2031-1 (reserved by Hugo Lefeuvre)
> ERROR: .data or .wml file missing for DLA 2000-1 (reserved by Hugo Lefeuvre)
> ERROR: .data or .wml file missing for DLA 1714-2 (reserved by Hugo Lefeuvre)
> ERROR: .data or .wml file missing for DLA 1713-2 (reserved by Hugo Lefeuvre)
> ERROR: .data or .wml file missing for DLA 1953-2 (reserved by Hugo Lefeuvre)

fwiw I took care of those, so we shouldn't have any remaining old ones anymore.
Now it's just a matter of keeping up.


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