On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 11:26:56AM -0300, Markus Koschany wrote:
> lts-do-call-me contains all maintainers and/or source
> packages that should be handled by the maintainer. Please contact all
> maintainers in this list before starting to work on the package. There
> are some other maintainers who regularly provide updates themselves,
> please update the list as needed and share any information you have.
Is it correct to assume that packages will be noted with this
information when triaged into dla-needed.txt?  I've seen some that have
a note like, "maintainer will handle update," so I assume that it is
part of the front desk procedure.  Likewise, I would expect a note
indicating that the maintainer has been contacted and stating either
that no response has been received yet, or a response has been received
saying that we should go ahead or let the maintainer handle it (as

Do I understand correctly?



Roberto C. Sánchez

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