Op 08-02-19 om 15:29 schreef Alexander Wirt:
> On Fri, 08 Feb 2019, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to have LTS support for backports. On most systems I use
>> one or more packages from backports.
>> When the same version of a package is in use in the next version of
>> Debian, I guess backporting them is -in most cases- not a big problem.
>> I am interesting if it would be a good idea to ask maintainers in the
>> freeze-phase to put the same versions in stable-backports, if the
>> package is in backports.
>> Maybe we could say somewhere in the future: LTS supports backports, but
>> only when the same version of a package is in the next Debian version.
>> With some exceptions.
>> Maybe I could do something myself by asking maintainers to update
>> packages what are in backports, but with another version then in
>> testing. Good idea?
> We had this, no one cared about it, we asked for it and no one was
> interested. 

I guess, somebody should work on it. Write e-mails etc.
I care about it, and I guess more people do.

When I write an e-mail to a DD and ask for a newer backport, most DD's
are very friendly and like to do that.

I generally think it's a good thing to have the same packages in
backports as in testing.

> Therefore for backports.d.o this is currently a no-go. 

I ask for it in the Debian-LTS list, not in de backports list.

Maybe backports should remove packages what are removed from testing.
Or where the version is not the same as in testing (after some time).

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

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