On 2019-02-07 17:58:48, Markus Koschany wrote:
> Hello,
> Am 07.02.19 um 17:32 schrieb Antoine Beaupré:
> [...]
>> Am I missing something here? Did we change this practice, or is this an
>> oversight?
> I have been part of the team for three years now, from my experience
> almost all people are very happy when someone else fixes bugs in
> oldstable. Most of the time we get either no response at all or someone
> tells us to just go ahead. Since we have now the capacity to handle all
> those issues all by ourselves, I don't find it no longer necessary to
> contact every maintainer beforehand. Instead I decide on a case-by-case
> basis. I would rather change the current recommendation and the
> do-not-call list to a list of maintainers who want to be contacted first
> before we work on their packages or have always prepared updates
> themselves (e.g. postresql). This list will be quite short.

Well, I don't think we should make such calls without announcing it and
documenting the new workflow clearly, first off.

Second, I think I mostly agree with you, but we need to be certain we
won't upset other people's workflow, and this should be discussed.


Tout ce qui n’est pas donné est perdu.
                        - Proverbe indien

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