I've seen this sort of thing done elsewhere and the way they did it was to
put a large amount of separation between the two.

So the main site only mentioned the old releases in a historical context
and pointed to a separate website which did the LTS. Any page for the older
versions had a prominent common banner stating this.

The Debian website doesn't really show this.

Forget being a developer for a moment and look at
https://www.debian.org/releases/jessie/ for example, it's not terribly

Or https://packages.debian.org/jessie/procps is this still maintained?

Eg "After /date/ Debian version X is no longer supported by the Debian
project, see ancientdebian.org". Every page every time. I'm not saying as
annoying as those cookie notices, but something close.

It has to be clear there is this cutoff. The fact that some developers work
on it is fine, but stating that anywhere muddies the waters.

Not an ideal situation and you'll still cop some emails but it might help.

 - Craig

> --
Craig Small             https://dropbear.xyz/     csmall at : dropbear.xyz
Debian GNU/Linux        https://www.debian.org/   csmall at : debian.org
Mastodon: @smalls...@social.dropbear.xyz             Twitter: @smallsees
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