On 07/07/18 11:44, Carsten Schoenert wrote:
> Hello Emilio and Security-Team,
> while preparing the stretch-security package for Thunderbird upstream
> has announced just right now via the private driver mailing list to stop
> the current automatic updates for 52.9.0 due a critical issue [1] that
> can bring in some data loss while working with attachments. So I decided
> to open a bug [2] with severity grave against the version of thunderbird
> in unstable to prevent the migration to testing for now.
> But this means also we shouldn't deliver version 52.9.0 in any -security
> release for now. So I will not upload my prepared packages for
> stretch-security as I think Mozilla will provide a fix for the new issue
> within the next days. Or there are other objections?

Yes, let's postpone this until there is a fix. We don't want to introduce a data
corruption bug in a security update.


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