Hi Sebastien

You are right, CVE-2011-XXXX first found to affect jetty (jetty 6) could
very well not be fixed in jetty 8 since jetty 8 was first released in 2009.


So to be on the safe side I checked the two CVEs from 2011.
CVE-2011-4461 affects 8.1.0-RC2 and earlier (later version exists in
jessie) and also marked as no-dsa (minor issue).
CVE-2011-4404 marked as duplicate of another CVE from 2009 and that problem
was solved in 2009.

With this said, yes we could mark these also for jetty8 for completeness,
but I do not see a big benefit.

Best regards

// Ola

On 3 July 2018 at 16:58, Sébastien Delafond <s...@debian.org> wrote:

> On 2018-07-03, Ola Lundqvist <o...@inguza.com> wrote:
> > jetty8 appears first 2012.
> > jetty9 appears first 2015.
> >
> > This means that CVE entries before 2012 are not relevant for jetty8
> > and before 2015 not relevant for jetty9.
> That's just wrong; for instance, a CVE-2011-XXXX first found to affect
> jetty7 could very well not be fixed yet in jetty8.
> Cheers,
> --Seb

 --- Inguza Technology AB --- MSc in Information Technology ----
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