On 2018-05-30 20:21:38, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 07:42:02PM +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
>> Hi,
>> [...]
>> >>From what I understand, the next steps here are:
>> > 
>> >  1. send the announcement (tomorrow, markus?)
>> I will send the announcement on 01.06. around 10-14 UTC.
>> >  2. ensure the infrastructure team is ready for the new LTS
>> >  3. contact the FTP team to give LTS users 4 weeks grace period
>> >  4. contact the rel team to coordinate the last jessie release
>> >  5. update wiki pages
>> I assume the last point release for Jessie will happen before June 17.
> Actually it will be later, see the thread at
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-release/2018/05/msg00185.html . For
> security the support ends on 17th, the last point release is then
> planned for something in june/july but it's not fixed yet according to
> that thread.
> So in short: actually no date is fixed yet for the last jessie point
> release, afaict.


So the (updated) plan is:

 1. send the announcement (today, Markus)
 2. ensure the infrastructure team is ready for the new LTS (they are?)
 3. contact the FTP team to give LTS users 4 weeks grace period (need to
 be contacted)
 4. contact the rel team to coordinate the last jessie release (wait +
 send an email if we don't have progress in june/july?)
 5. update wiki pages
 6. update the security tracker on when jessie becomes EOL (carnil)

I guess it might be a little early to reach out to infra/FTP/rel teams
at this point, since the rotation stuff will more likely happen in june
or july.

Also: thanks everyone for your answers, I'm really glad every answered
so quickly. We seem to have most of dla-needed.txt covered but
(naturally) those which are unassigned:


Someone on IRC suggested we just no-dsa liblouis, but I suggested we
keep it because it's a small patch and we already did a similar one in

It seems to me git should also be patched considering the severity, but
I haven't looked at how complex the patch is.

I am not sure where we stand WRT Linux in wheezy - I guess we can just
punt that over to ELTS just like everything else in wheezy at this


On ne peut s'empêcher de vieillir, mais on peut s'empêcher de devenir
                        - Henri Matisse

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