
I have uploaded test packages of ruby1.9.1 to my personal repo:

    deb https://people.debian.org/~santiago/debian santiago-wheezy-security/
    deb-src https://people.debian.org/~santiago/debian santiago-wheezy-security/

It would be great to have feedback from it, especially because:
This package includes fixes to WEBrick-related CVEs (CVE-2017-17742 and
CVE-2018-8777). Upstream considers that one the of revision changes, r62965
in [1], could break apps during authentication, if apps "want to do
something with the body besides calculating the MD5 digest of it."

[1] https://github.com/ruby/ruby/commit/a45622669bb1ff18d3ee9b411128acd839c4263e

To install the packages from the repository you will need to:

    apt-get install apt-transport-https

and import my key used to sign the package:

    wget -qO - 
https://people.debian.org/~santiago/0x4BC80A69432387E8-santiago.key \ 
       | sudo apt-key add -


 -- Santiago

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