On 2018-01-24 08:02, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:
That sounds far too disruptive for an LTS; better declare announce the server
part of mysql (where all the vulnerabilities apply) as unsupported in advance
and in December change the package to only build the libmysqlclient parts.
The client library part is usually not affected by any security issues and
that way you don't risk any regressions.

People then have a year to migrate their servers to jessie (or ideally
update/reimage to stretch)

Additionally, Oracle already provides MySQL 5.6 for both Wheezy and Jessie according to https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/repo/apt/, so there appears to be little need for the LTS team to make a specific effort to support MySQL 5.6 server when 5.5 security support reaches EOL.

Or are there plans in Oracle to drop support for old-stable etc.?

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