On 2017-07-21 22:19:20, Philipp Kern wrote:
> My point was that you state what your delta is and essentially boils 
> down to attach the diff of what will actually happen to the .deb. I 
> think it's generally fine to add new CAs and remove fully distrusted 
> ones, instead of saying "it should just be in sync with unstable". The 
> latter contains a lot more nuance if you know that some of the rules are 
> only available in code.

Thank you for taking the time to clarify your position, I understand it
much better now. :)

Makes perfect sense, I'll try to be clearer in future communications to
avoid such confusion.


Si les triangles avaient un Dieu, ils lui donneraient trois côtés.
                        - Montesquieu, Lettres persanes

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