Hello Raphael,

Am 20.06.2017 um 12:07 schrieb Raphael Hertzog:
> Dear maintainer(s),
> The Debian LTS team would like to fix the security issues which are
> currently open in the Wheezy version of icedove:
> https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/source-package/icedove
> I expect that Guido will take care of this by switching to a newer
> upstream version. Is that correct and what is planned ?

typically Guido is taking care on this so I assume he will this for 52.x

JFR, Upstream is currently preparing a fixup release 52.2.1. as it seems
some users with GMail accounts have problems with 52.2.0. But right now
there is no fixed release date planned. Given the dynamic the Mozilla
guys normally have I expect no release of this fixed version until the

Carsten Schoenert

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