
I have a question about CVE-2017-8364 for rzip. I can see that this was
marked as no-dsa (Minor Issue) for jessie and would like to know what the
reasoning is behind this.

I'm asking as the Debian bug report #861614 is marked as grave with
motivation that it could be a write overflow as well but that it has not
been investigated further.

Do this no-dsa mean that this has actually been investigated further and
that bug #861614 should be marked as important instead?

I'm asking as I need to classify this for Debian LTS as well and so far I'm
not 100% convinced that the no-dsa for jessie is correct.

Best regards

// Ola

 --- Inguza Technology AB --- MSc in Information Technology ----
/  o...@inguza.com                    Folkebogatan 26            \
|  o...@debian.org                   654 68 KARLSTAD            |
|  http://inguza.com/                Mobile: +46 (0)70-332 1551 |
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